
Australian Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder – 500g


SKU: T500028 - T500029
Availability: In Stock

A widely-enjoyed use of wheatgrass is in regular small doses for the purpose of detoxifying. Some people believe that the high chlorophyll content is an effective agent for ridding the body of heavy metals. As chlorophyll is similar in atomic structure to our own red blood cells, it is easily absorbed by humans and helps the body build red blood cells which carry oxygen to every cell, improving regular blood flow throughout the body.

Wheatgrass is the freshly sprouted wheat plant. It is harvested before the gluten forms – as such it is gluten free.

Added to fresh juices and smoothies, wheatgrass powder is great for healthy hair and skin and aids the digestive system.

What nutrients are in Wheatgrass?

As with most healthy greens, wheatgrass contains a host of important vitamins. It is also particularly rich in vitamin E, and contains iron, zinc, and manganese which help complete the amazing nutritional profile of this highly beneficial plant product.

Wheatgrass delivers a high concentration of these essential nutrients in comparison with whole fresh vegetables.

It is also a high source of chlorophyll, which has a range of widely researched health benefits.

How should I consume Wheatgrass?

Start with 1/2 teaspoon and gradually increase to 1 teaspoon (4 grams) per day over a two week period. Add to your favourite juice or smoothie for a powerful health kick.

Where is Forest Super Foods’ Wheatgrass Grown?

Our wheatgrass is grown to Certified Organic standards on an Australian farm using sustainable agricultural practices. It is free from pesticides, herbicides and synthetic fertilisers.

Our wheatgrass is steam sterilised and as it is a winter crop, the fresh leaf is harvested between May and September. The leaf is dried immediately and stored in a coarse form until we have to fine mill it – the fine milling is done all year round.

  • High in chlorophyll
  • Nutritional profile that matches fresh vegetables
  • More nutritionally dense than wheatgrass juice
  • Grown in pollution-free rural Victoria
  • Certified Organic and 100% chemical free
  • Dried immediately after harvest for maximum potency
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1 x 500g, 3 x 500g

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